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Protect Now, Plan For The Future

Protect Now, Plan For The Future

mother holding newborn baby insurance

We all have big dreams we want to live out one day. Maybe you would like to own a vineyard in France, live in a fabulous vacation home every winter, or explore the world on your private boat. No matter the dream, we know this can only happen if we plan for the future!

When we think of planning, we think about goal-setting and mapping out each step, until one day we finally reach our big dream. But, we often overlook the biggest, most important stage of planning, and that is protecting what we have right now! How can we expect to build our lives sky high when we have nothing to support our foundation?

Have you ever considered what would happen to your family if you were suddenly unable to provide for them? If you or a member of your family became seriously ill, how would you afford the medical costs?

At Experior Financial Group, we believe insurance planning is fundamental to a well-made financial plan. More often than not, we meet families who are greatly underinsured or have no insurance at all! Although life insurance is important, there are many living benefits to consider, such as health, dental, disability, or critical illness insurance. We assess your unique insurance needs, and recommend an appropriate amount of coverage.

Once your foundation is well protected, you can start building your lifelong dreams! Imagine what you would want your retirement to be like? How would you live to the fullest in your golden era?

It is never too early to start saving for retirement, after all it will be the biggest expense you will ever have! Our expert advisors are here to help you get started!

If you are like many parents who want to help pay for their children’s education, it is a good idea to start saving while they are still young. There are government grants available to those who start early!

So, why wait? Let’s plan today! Book an appointment with the experts at Experior Financial Group! 519-826-0770.

– Guelph Mercury, Jun 10, 2014, http://www.guelphmercury.com/shopping-story/4568363-protect-now-plan-for-the-future

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