Raymond Nkorerimana, Promoted to Executive Director!

Congratulations to Raymond Nkorerimana! As of February 2023, you are the newest Executive Director at Experior Financial Group Inc.!

Promotional image featuring Raymond Nkorerimana

We are proud to announce that Raymond Nkorerimana became an Executive Director in February 2023!

Raymond Nkorerimana joined Experior less than a year ago and is showing Experior Nation that with hard work success is possible! Raymond continues to help clients everyday with the knowledge he has gained from Experior. Since joining Experior, Raymond is a great inspiration to everyone on his team. He has shown proof of what happens when you take a risk and work hard at a goal.

The Experior team asked Raymond Nkorerimana to tell us a bit about himself and how it feels to have reached this milestone with Experior Financial Group; he said,

“First I would like to thank Jamie Prickett , the founder of this amazing company, as well as Kam and Tameeza Hirani who showed me this opportunity and coached me through my journey to ED. I am so grateful to my family and my team members.  It is a fantabulous joy to get promoted to ED and It is my dream becoming true.

I have been involved in Experior for 8 months. I was invited by Kam more than 4 times and I had turned him down. Due to his persistence, I met him on May 21st  to have a look on the business and got started the same day.  My fear was because I did not have experience in the financial industry however  I trusted him and I started to learn.  Here is my message to everyone: give it a try,  you don’t have to be better before you start but you have to start to be better. If I can do it without financial experience, you can do it; just plug in and learn. It feels amazing to educate people on financial matters. It is great to see that between my team and myself, we have served over 90 customers during this short time. My goal for 2023 is to help 3 people on the team to reach the Executive Director promotion. “

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