Congratulations to Sparsh & Pooja Sharma, our newest Ring Earners of April 2024!
Sparsh and Pooja Sharma, Executive Directors at Experior Financial Group, have had a captivating journey from India to Canada, settling in the Greater Toronto Area. Sparsh’s academic pursuits led him through electrical engineering and an MBA in Denmark. He gained professional experience in both Denmark and India before establishing roots in Canada with his wife Pooja, obtaining permanent residency in 2017.
Since joining Experior, Sparsh and Pooja have demonstrated exceptional skills as independent insurance agents, leading their team, Team Hustle, to offer invaluable guidance and financial services to over 600 families. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to them for their remarkable achievements. Their established expertise and exceptional leadership serve as a guiding light for aspiring financial associates and independent insurance agents in the next generation.
We asked Sparsh and Pooja how it feels to have achieved this milestone, and they said,
“When we joined Experior, never did we expect that I’d be doing this full time and achieving milestones after milestones every few months, but here I am – a product of the FML system. If I could do this (with no background in the industry) by following our exceptional coaching and training, anyone else can. The feeling of having successfully entered this exclusive 6-figure ring club is yet to sink in but it definitely feels like the work has only just begun for us.”
Sparsh and Pooja were asked, Why Experior? and they said,
“Unlike a lot of people who come to Experior from their practice companies, I feel very fortunate that I was introduced to THIS opportunity first (over any other). This is the real deal.
Experior is absolutely life changing and the FULL package. No one else comes close to the transparency, integrity, the legacy and shareholder programs, product shelf, compensation,
system or anything else Experior offers. This opportunity is how good it can get for you.There’s a saying here that I see play out everyday in front of my eyes: This is the place for redemption. Every week, we have more ring earners and EDs getting promoted than anywhere else. We’re literally going places. If you’re serious about this business, come & check us out. We’ll get you to your goals.”
We asked Sparsh and Pooja how their lives have changed because of his success with Experior? they replied,
“Life’s definitely become busier and exciting with our success here at Experior. This industry gets the best out of you. Whether it’s clients or teammates, you can only win in this business by being trustworthy and constantly upgrading your knowledge, influence and leadership. We have to constantly keep evolving and learning to become a better version of ourselves. With more success comes more responsibility.”
Experior’s newest Ring Earners were asked if they had any advice for new associates in the financial services industry. They said,
“The biggest pieces of advice for anyone and everyone is DO NOT QUIT this industry. Don’t shy away from educating your clients as well as introducing this fantastic opportunity to anyone who could likely benefit from it. Follow the system, put your head down, focus on the ‘right’ activity and see your business go from strength to strength.”
Incredible job, Sparsh and Pooja! Your genuine passion, boundless energy, and steadfast dedication are invaluable. We look forward to witnessing your future amazing achievements.
Why Experior?
Does Sparsh and Pooja’s remarkable journey resonate with you? With a proven track record and a supportive team, your journey toward building a lasting legacy begins here.
As Canada’s fastest-growing MGA, expanding into the US, Experior presents unparalleled opportunities. Access our comprehensive support, top-notch training, and cutting-edge software to excel in serving your clients. Join the Experior team and unlock your full potential for success!
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